Thursday, January 26, 2017

Duolingo: a fun gateway to language learning

Duolingo (#22,610 on

If the tower of Babel brought down with it our chances of ever having a universal language, maybe Duolingo could be the first brick that will bring that defiant structure back up: and best of all, it’s free and fun to use.

Everybody wants to learn another language (except perhaps the homeland of fries, and other peoples that just don’t give a damn about your native tongue). And to help out with this, educational institutions around the globe are offering language courses, while many citizens of the internet have also taken it upon themselves to impart their homegrown knowledge on their respective languages in their blogs (but mostly on Youtube).

Duolingo is perhaps one of the best gateways into starting your language learning path, if not a great supplement to other sources that you already subscribe to. It offers thousands of words and phrases along with valuable grammar rules, and they package it in the form of short and simple games. They do say that repetition is the key to mastery, so constantly going through Duolingo’s modules will most definitely plant those foreign words into your long-term memory. They also have a scoreboard where you can compete with your friends (although with things like these, you only have to compete with yourself to become a true master). Plus they also monitor your progress and language retention so they regularly send you e-mails, and they will inform you on some of the lessons which they believe you are starting to get rusty on.

It caters to all of the (for lack of a better term) major languages, and it is currently making headways into other less common languages. Learning is matter of putting time into it, so you’d better start now!


If you finish all the lessons for a particular language, you get this cool trophy:

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