Saturday, January 28, 2017

RareJob: letting your English do the work


If you are reading this blog post right now, then you absolutely have the necessary aptitudes the make some money out of your free time. What am I talking about? If you have: first, a stable internet connection, and two, a reasonable proficiency in the English language, then you can teach English online for a living.

The common concern when it comes to earning money online is the real and present danger of scams that just want to make money out of you. Well, as far as online blog testimonials go, I can say that Rarejob is a legitimate business, and here the saying “An honest day’s wage for an honest day’s work” applies.

You will be tasked with imparting your knowledge in the English knowledge to your students who would be mostly Japanese. The great thing about this (aside from the earnings) is that you don’t need to speak Japanese to teach here, but it would be a great bonus if you do.


Online scams offer unreasonably huge payoffs for practically no discernable investment in either time or resources. With Rarejob, you will be rightly compensated for the hours you put it.

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