Friday, January 27, 2017

PSE: playground of the Filipino wealthy

PSE: # 39,205 on

Some people like to watch cute corgi videos, others listen to the latest Selena Gomez releases, while a few others like to see millions of dollars exchange hands before their very eyes (strictly speaking the site is in Philippine pesos but the values are reasonably big enough to be counted in dollars).

The PSE website shows real time movement in the Philippine Stock Exchange where individual people and large firms buy and sell corporate stock, hopefully at a profit. The people behind the moving numbers are probably investors with a strong personal inclination towards finance, but you don’t have to be one of them to access and appreciate this site.

Here you can look at the impact of certain news events (like elections, scandal investigations, etc.) on the overall value of any company listed on the bourse. The general health of the Philippine economy can also be gauged by the country’s corporate valuations.

Plus who knows that you might actually be subconsciously a financial genius!

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