Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wikipedia: the encyclopedia that everybody loves but nobody trusts


It is common to hear people say “Everything is on the internet” or “Don’t know? Look it up”. This is in fact quite true, and dare I say that although many hail education as ‘the great equalizer’, the internet is as great or even greater at affording opportunities to practically anyone who has access to it.

Sadly the internet is not the all-honest, easy-access repository of endless knowledge that one might hope for, instead we have the next best thing: Wikipedia. It’s free and easily accessible, it has published probably millions of relatively easy-to-read articles on almost every subject of interest that you can possibly think of [1].

There is a serious catch however: Wikipedia sources its contents from the public. Which means that in theory anybody can post and edit content that may or may not contain inaccuracies and personal biases. Or at least this was how things began in the olden days of the site; now as Wikipedia continues to gain relevance in the online republic, certain restrictions and/or reviews are being put in place by the management to ensure the reliability of the site’s content.

There is also a sort of sad side to all the generous work that the people behind Wikipedia does: despite being the go-to place for everybody looking to gain a deeper understanding on something, it is still generally regarded as an unreliable source of knowledge. Try putting Wikipedia on your bibliography and you will most probably get flunked. It’s like looking at the poor boy in the schoolyard that gives all his lunch money away, yet still can’t get anyone to sit with him.

Maybe that’s just the role that Wikipedia is meant to play: to provide a quick and reasonably detailed introduction to anything that we may want to read on, and then it becomes our responsibility to dig deeper for greater knowledge and with more reputable sources.


[1]       Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Retrieved from

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