Friday, January 27, 2017

Youtube: television's apocalyptic meteor

Youtube (#2 on

This is perhaps one of the greatest powers that be that are currently accelerating the extinction of the home television. Here you can watch millions of uploaded videos on practically any subject that happens to tickle your fancy. 

Songs, movies, actual television shows: it’s all there; all you have to do is look. When boredom struck in the olden days, people would just mindlessly shuffle through the TV channels, but now that we've evolved into greater beings, we now do practically the same thing but with Youtube channels.

On the producer side of things, you can also upload you own videos and try to create a following from the millions of viewers out there. Creativity is key!

Beware though as there’s also a huge swathe of complete garbage on the site, but if you’re picky enough then you probably won’t encounter any of them. Plus this is a matter of personal preference so view what you must and just make the most out of it.

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