Thursday, January 26, 2017

Politico: a place for all things political

Politico: #825 on

With all the online buzz about ‘fake news’ and its profound effects on public opinion and allegedly even presidential elections, there is a great need to have a go-to site for relatively reliable news about any and all things political. Of course we have the high and mighty journalistic staples like CNN or NBC (among a couple of others), but those particular news outlets have their resources laid out thin as they also try to talk about lifestyle, business, culture, and well you know, typical tuff you’d normally see in the newspaper.

This is where Politico comes in: an entire site dedicated to all things politically American (even their ads are occasionally political in nature), but there are a few pieces they write on global leaders and events that have the potential to impact the domestic political market.

One of the good things about Politico is that it is generally neutral when it comes to spinning off its news (unlike The Daily Beast for the left and Fox News for those on the right). Politico’s articles also have a personal tone in the way they are written. Sometimes a few anecdotes or off-the-cuff comments could even be thrown in every once in a while. This inspires a certain sense of involvement in whoever is reading, provided of course that the reader is actually interested that is.

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